Action Index UT2k4

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Moviesandbox Actions

In order to tell your characters what they should you, you use linked Actions. You can create Actions yourself if you know your way around UnrealScript. Refer to the Create Actions Tutorial on the Tutorial page to get an idea of the programming involved.
If you need an Action or feel that some Action might not work correctly, please leave a message at the Action Demands page.

Here you find an index of all the Actions that are availabe in Moviesandbox, followed by short descriptions:


automatically gets created when spawning a character. All nodes attached will be executed when you press play.

BtnName: changes the displayed name of the PawnRoot.

HideLinks: Hides the whole Branch attached to this ScriptNode.

ShowLinks: Displays the Branch attached to this ScriptNode when hidden before.

SetAnim: Sets the base skeleton and animation type as found in an unreal skeletal mesh - don't use unless you know what you're doing!


creates a new ScriptRoot Node. everything attached to the ScriptRoot will be executed by Moviesandbox when you start playing the scene. So for example, a SetCamera Action will be executed, but a MoveTo action won't, because it needs a PawnRoot.

BtnName: changes the displayed name of the ScriptRoot.

HideLinks: Hides the whole Branch attached to this ScriptNode.

ShowLinks: Displays the Branch attached to this ScriptNode when hidden before.


delays execution of the next action.

WaitTime: delay in seconds.


triggers a specific Event. All WaitForEvent Nodes that wait for this event will then continue with the next Action.

EventName: the Event to trigger.


triggers a specific Actor. Only works with Actors that do something when triggered.

TriggerActor: the Actor to trigger.


delays the next Action until the specified Event is triggered.

EventName: the Event to wait for.


tells a character (not an object!) to move to a specific point.

MoveTarget: object (e.g. TargetActor) to walk to.

bIsWalking: true - the character should Walk. False - the Character runs (default).

ViewTarget: object the character looks at while walking. Leave empty for looking at the MoveTarget.


tells a character to rotate to a specific point. You also need to specify how much time you give the character to finish the rotation.

ViewTarget: object to look at

RotateTime: time it takes to perform rotation in seconds (following commands will be delayed by this amount of time).


the View will switch to a specific Actor (usually a CameraActor). Also specifies Viewtarget and the Field of View (FOV).

CameraActor: object to serve as the camera.

LookTarget: object the cameraActor should be facing

FOV: specifies the camera lens angle - 90 is a normal angle, 10 is a very narrow angle, 180 is a very wide angle!

bDepth: enables depth of field - only works if a LookTarget is selected!


tells the character to take a specified Pose to be chosen from a list of poses created with the PoseEditor. Also specifies the time the character takes to get to that Pose.

PoseName: the pose the character should take.

BlendTime: time the character has to take the pose in seconds - instant switch if left to 0. Try 0.2-0.5 for most poses.

addPose: currently not working (would mix the pose into the pose before).

AssignTo: Character that should be performing the pose (only shows up when SetPose is attached to a ScriptRoot).


Sets a specific Property (e.g. bHidden) for a specified Actor to a specified Value.

Target: the object whose property should be changed.

Prop: the property/variable name (e.g. bHidden).

setTo: the value it should be changed to (e.g. 'true' or 'false').


executes a Console Command.

Command:the command to execute (e.g. 'gamma').

Parameter: sometimes console commands take a parameter, like 'gamma 1.0'.


tells a character to perform a jump.


plays a specified sound.

pSound:an unreal sound, needs to be imported using unrealEd. Example: GameSounds.DDAlarm


moves an object around (not a character).

TweenTarget: the destination where the object should move.

moveTime: the amount of time it takes the object to reach the destination.

rotTime: the amount of time it takes the object to rotate to the destination's rotation.

AssignTo: the object that should perform the movement.

new KeyInput

executes only one attached node when the Key with the number InputPort has been pressed. To get information on key-numbering, just press a key and its number is displayed in the top-left corner of the screen in editing mode.

HideLinks: Hides the whole Branch attached to this ScriptNode.

ShowLinks: Displays the Branch attached to this ScriptNode when hidden before.

InputPort: the Key number that should execute the node attached (see upper left hand corner in edit mode).

bRecording: not implemented yet.

new UDPInput

executes only one attached node when a data package has been received at Port number InputPort bRecording has no effect yet.

HideLinks: Hides the whole Branch attached to this ScriptNode.

ShowLinks: Displays the Branch attached to this ScriptNode when hidden before.

InputPort: the UDP Port to receive data from (e.g. 80 for the web or 21 for ftp).

bRecording: not implemented yet.

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