From Moviesandbox
ToDo list
Not really show-stoppers, but would help to have:
- Pick World Property Button should have an icon and a tooltip to differentiate from Textinput! Similar to Bool, but maybe with an arrow?
Known Issues:
A list of smaller and bigger things that need to be done.
- "click here to register" on the wiki is a dead link.
- loading a scene with missing mesh references causes CTD
- Intel Media Accelerator Graphics cards either crash or don't display geometry despite support for OpenGL 2.1
- splash screen doesn't display on linux, very quick on mac OSX
- bounding box vanishes when re-editing drawing
- character turning is jerky
- needs Button to show "untitled" drawings.
- Edit menu shows "Delete" but should show "Duplicate"
- timeline recording writes to all timelines right now
- Actor-Gizmos off when Actor has base
- directions in move/rotate do not always correspond to mouse movement
- PerformAction does not stop after hitting play again
- duplicating of skeletalActor with bones does not work, leads to CTD
- ViewportGizmo gives strange distance results on click
- font size not editable
- color scheme not editable
- userPopUp does not close if bad mesh is loaded
- unclear distinction between "PerformAction" and "SetAnimation"
- SetAnimation does not stop after scene stops - unless it does sometimes...
- actionlist goes a bit bonkers when too many actions added
Version changelist:
changelist nightly build 12.14
- fixed weird interface bug when re-scaling window (thanks Mazz!)
- fixed all inspectors auto-closing when new object is created
- added shortcut 'h' for quickly hiding the grid
- added mipmap generation for Icons and FBOs
- increased shadow performance and image quality by a billion times
- corrected ParticleScale when creating new Light
- added "show untitled"to AssetInspector
- layerInspector now properly highlights object selections
changelist nightly build 12.13
- fixed CTD (sometimes) when saving - bad memory cleaning
- fixed viewportGizmo aspect ratio
- implemented setTextureID for texture error handling
- github has Tags! I can use them! This is wonderful!
- fixed appearance of actorMenu move and rotate buttons
- picking and shadows now render aspect ratio independent!
changelist nightly build 12.12
- changed splash-screen and added backer-info
- added buttonColor and buttonTexture shaders
- fixed "bComputeLight"
- changed/added key bindings to make them more like Adobe's stuff and make more sense on keyboard (v for select, b for paint, etc.)
- removed "untitled" and "icon_" files from asset inspector
- fixed calculating aspect ratios for drawing and picking
- more icon changes
- focus while not running now bound to where mouse is in 3D (to help with depth percaption in drawing)
- fixed small bug in actorMenu move/rotate buttons
changelist nightly build 12.11
- started adding new icons
- fixed assetInspector not updating meshes after load
- fixed colors
- fixed bug crashing when clicking on setBase button and then clicking into nothingness
- prettyfied the grid texture
- fixed bug clicking on helper in LayerInspector
- more fixes to gizmos and grid/ground
- made sure all buttons call setup();
- fixed bug in actorMenu move/rotate when right clicking after left-clicking
- timelinebuttons now highlight actors when mouseOver
- (almost) all colors now set from one place in Code
- boolButtons now switch even if clicked in red/black square
- fixed selecting of meshes for "paint with meshes" option
- fixed bug in which additions to a drawing wouldn't be visible
- implemented cut, copy, paste, duplicate
- implemented highlighting of menu-items and most buttons on mouse-over and mouse-clicked
- fixed Mac OSX menus, shortcuts, and hiding of Dock and MenuBar
changelist nightly build 12.09
- fixed memory leak in creating FBOs
- added recording functionality to Timeline
- fixed Keyframes when zooming and scrolling timeline
changelist nightly build 12.08
- fixed creating VBOs after finishing drawing
- saving time of spritemeshes now 50% (no more need to re-load after save)
- fixed vanishing of vector buttons in propertyInspector
changelist nightly build 12.06
- fixed more weirdness when scaling window
- menuBar now behaves as it should
- fixed UserPopUp not showing all text
- implemented combine drawings
- implemented split Drawing
changelist nightly build 12.03
- fixed bug in move/rotate
- prepared drawing with meshes
- added "View" menu to menubar
- fixed sliderButton rendering
- fixed ViewportGizmo rendering
- added "z-Distance check" when holding Shift key in Skinning Tool
- implemented brush intensity in skinning
- added preview in brushinspector for brush size and intensity
- fixed LayerInspector Tab switching
- added mouseOver highlighting for layerinspector
- removed gizmo from grid and ground
- made grid un-clickable (can still be selected in helpers menu)
- changed the way right-click actor-menu rotate/move works - now more in line with how navigation works
- removed mouse warping in all version to make more tablet friendly
- added bWarpMouse to config.xml - set to 1 to re-enable mouse warping
changelist nightly build 12.02
- fixed window scaling funkyness
changelist 0.51
- fixed screwed animation for objects' base transforms (location/rotation)
- fixed scrubber starts at wrong point in timeline
- fixed no way to select bones when creating them - right clicking now does this
- shadowing seems off in skeletal shader ( fixed in 0.5)
- fixed re-selecting skinning tool after closing boneWidget resetting all bones to 0,0,0
changelist V0.5
- better stability
- so many things, I lost track.
changelist V376
- implemented particleSelectTool
- implemented rudimentary Normal choices for drawings
- played around with vertexIDs, but decided to leave that out for now
- implemented InspectorManager (closing inspector windows when opening another one)
- fixed crash in loading spriteMeshes
- converted sticky to BASE64 format
changelist V370
- fixed Background Texture
- fixed Background not being cleared when not in lighting mode
changelist V369
- added blinking cursor to textinput
- added proper Background to Inspectors (no more "click throughs")
- fixed numbers in timeline not working.
- fixed scaling not being saved properly
changelist V368
- updated XCode project
changelist V367
- separated drawing shader from color shader
- which fixed invisible lights and other standard objects
- fixed bug that crashes MSB when clicking on bone widget without drawing
- fixed keyInput not working
- added checkOpenGLError() to renderer
- fixed numerous small renderer OpenGL Errors
- fixed connection lines not showing up on nodes
if you're looking for the UT2004 bugs page, please go to UT2004 bugs. This is now the bugs page for the OpenSource version of moviesandbox. Bug updates will be released after the first version has been made public. --Fiezi 11:04, 2 April 2009 (MEST)