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Moviesandbox is a free graphical movie scripting environment for the game Unreal Tournament 2004[1] by Epic Games[2].

go to the Downloads page to grab the latest version!

Places to go:

  • What is MovieSandbox - gives a brief overview of the Tool and what to do with it.
  • Tutorials - if you are interested in using Moviesandbox, go here and check out a couple of Tutorials.
  • Bugs - things that aren't working yet. Please Read!

Please Register to participate in the discussion to make Moiesandbox better. This is a WIKI and lives from your contributions. The Discussion section is a good place to start if you have ideas about a specific topic. Also, please leave your name and timestamp with the --~~~~ shortcut or the corresponding icon on the Page Edit Menu.

initial MovieSandbox was created by friedrich kirschner of[3] with help from

Paul Marino and the AMAS
florian berger
andreas jalsovec
hannah perner-wilson.
klaus neumann
alexander scholz
the state ministry of art and science of saxony, germany
the trans media academy Hellerau
the ars electronica futurelab
and the eyebeam media research lab.

For additional information, please feel free to contact info[AT]machinimag[DOT]com

Personal tools
Moviesandbox for UT2004