Talk:Main Page

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This is the Main Talk page. Please feel free to leave a message! --fiezi 21:07, 23 June 2007 (MEST)

I have a couple question about Moviesandbox, can you import static meshes and then rig them with the standard Unreal skeleton using the character creation tools? Sorry if this is not the place for this. --Andrew 05:53, 2 September 2007 (MEST)

Hi Andrew, no, this is the right place to ask questions, definetly. Right now, it's not simple to do. But in future updates, you will be able to attach props (and staticmeshes) to any bone you like. Unfortunately, the attach command isn't really working right now. Do you want to create a whole character just by attaching things on the bones? I could probably implement something like that. --fiezi 20:17, 3 September 2007 (MEST)

Actually, what I am wondering is if I can import a static mesh from a program like Blender and then do the skeleton set-up/rigging in Moviesandbox. Also, I was reading on the Wiki that there was some discussion of implementing "Puppet Show" from Georgia Tech in Moivesandbox. Has that been done already? Would it be hard to do? I have a puppetry background and really like the Puppet Show concept...I think it would be another great tool for Machinima creators. Thanks. --Andrew 15:14, 7 September 2007 (MEST)

Yes, the first puppet show prototype they did - Cactus Jack - was implemented and demoed using Moviesandbox. For more info, i'd suggest you contact Michael Nitsche from GATech already. Unfortunately, Unreal only allows very basic rigging functions, so the stuff that you're doing with your Panda Puppet controller (which is totally awesome by the way!) is a bit out of reach for moviesandbox per se. But there are ways to import staticmeshes from Blender and attach them to bones. It's a rigid body attachment tough, so real skinning and weighting cannot be done.
However, there are ways to import a fully skinned skeleton actor to unreal (and thus moviesandbox) and then Pose/Control it to a certain degree. I'm currently figuring out how to implement that so that it stays open and user friendly and you can still use custom skeletons. The next version will have a much more versatile skeleton with facial bones implemented, but i'm very open for suggestions...
--fiezi 02:30, 8 September 2007 (MEST)

I've found that the RenderToDisc function doesn't work when Moviesandbox is in full screen mode, but does work when it is in windowed mode. - Dxvid.

Thanks Dxvid, i'll add this to the version notes and bugs page! --fiezi 02:30, 8 September 2007 (MEST)

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