Action Index UT2k4

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Moviesandbox Actions

In order to tell your characters what they should you, you use linked Actions. You can create Actions yourself if you know your way around UnrealScript. Refer to the Create Actions Tutorial on the Tutorial page to get an idea of the programming involved.
If you need an Action or feel that some Action might not work correctly, please leave a message at the Action Demands page.

Here you find an index of all the Actions that are availabe in Moviesandbox, followed by short descriptions:


creates a new ScriptRoot Node. everything attached to the ScriptRoot will be executed when you start playing the scene.


delays execution of the next action for x seconds.


triggers a specific Event. All WaitForEvent Nodes that wait for this event will then continue with the next Action.


triggers a specific Actor. Only works with Actors that do something when triggered.


delays the next Action until the specified Event is triggered.


tells a character to move to a specific point. Also specifies if the character should Walk (instead of Run) and where the character looks at while walking.


tells a character to rotate to a specific point. You also need to specify how much time you give the character to finish the rotation.


the View will switch to a specific Actor (usually a CameraActor). Also specifies Viewtarget and the Field of View (FOV).


tells the character to take a specified Pose to be chosen from a list of poses created with the PoseEditor. Also specifies the time the character takes to get to that Pose.


Sets a specific Property (e.g. bHidden) for a specified Actor to a specified Value.


executes a Console Command (e.g. exit).


rotates a specified bone of a specified character. Still experimental!


changes the Skin in a specified slot of a specified Actor.


tells a character to perform a jump.


tells the character to perform a canned animation.


plays a specified sound from soundpackage.soundname


moves AssignTo to TweenTarget in moveTime and rotates AssignTo to TweenTarget in rotTime. Executes next Action after Tween has finished.

new KeyInput

executes only one attached node when the Key with the number InputPort has been pressed. bRecording has no effect yet. To get information on key-numbering, just press a key and its number is displayed in the top-left corner of the screen in editing mode.

new UDPInput

executes only one attached node when a data package has been received at Port number InputPort bRecording has no effect yet.

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