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Revision as of 05:29, 30 October 2007 by PersonTwoOneEightFour (Talk | contribs)
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If you find a bug that's not mentioned in "general Bugs", please add it to the list. In the case you found a workaround for some nasty issue, you can add it to the "general workarounds" section. If you're not sure how to submit your bug or want to describe a more complex process, go to the Talk:Bugs page and explain. I don't have time to fix everything at once, but I'll listen. Also, please sign your comments with the --~~~~ shortcut or the related button on top of the editing menu. Thanks!


known Bugs v1370 beta

  • Enabling of depth-of-field (DOF) results in interpolated frame between setcam switching.
  • DOF distribution of rendertargets is still '+' but should be 'x' or 'o'.
  • Posing Editor Cube rotates in a different coordinate System than the bone it should rotate.
  • Camera cannot tilt when using ViewTarget
  • mysterious black empty Node appears in some occasions after loading
  • the Pad button is buggy and works for all characters at the same time
  • creating a Camera with the "k" key can put you outside geometry
  • clicking on the "Advanced" button when in Fullscreen mode will crash Moviesandbox
  • No Grid when scaling/roating MSBPawn or VoxelParts
  • 2DPawn Animations buggy
  • drawings can have a maximum of 4096 particles
  • Localisation Bug - True/False values don't work in non-english versions!
  • RenderToDisk function only works in windowed mode - thanks Dxvid!
  • Drawings cannot be linked to a projector and attached to aspecific Actor Bone at the same time

Version changelist

changelist V1380
  • added gametrak input-control to drawings
  • fixed rotation bug from 1375 patch
  • implemented trace-tool for characters and drawings and added resolution (now up to 256x256)
  • fixed all save-lists not updating correctly
  • removed right-click context menu and red marker when pen-widget is open
  • more stable drawing code
  • added projector(decal)-linking to particles
  • really fixed attach button
  • savegames can now be deleted form the savegame list (data is not deleted - can be reinserted into the MSBCode.ini)
changelist V1375Patch
  • removed camera preview window (will return soon)
  • fixed attach button
  • removed debug text when playing
  • added a grid for rotation
  • fixed scaling (removed scaling for characters)
  • added a 'Hide' Node
  • included more complex skeleton (thanks aga!)
  • added paintable mouth and lipsyncing (through consolecommand "switchmouth"- alpha stage!)
  • added a button to change the MouseSensitivity and Resolution
  • fixed painting in VoxelEditor hovering over grid
  • included debugText in VoxelEditor telling you which bone you're painting on (thanks Kate!)
  • fixed Bon Blocks not displaying correctly after loading a character
  • fixed particle-z problem (or at least changed it)
changelist V1370Beta
  • fixed MiniMap movement Bug (minimap only moved half the speed of the mouse cursor)
  • added icons to most buttons
  • rewrote the voxeleditor for greatly increased performance - now using particles instead of actors
  • switched mouse buttons for nodes - left button will grab/release node, right button gets the menu
  • fixed save-lists not updating with the new saves unless menu was closed.
  • PoseEditor is a separate toolstrip now to make posing a lot easier
  • implemented the pen toolstrip to create props
  • implemented the puppet list to create Ragdoll-Puppets from all voxelcharacters - works only with a GameTrak device
  • fixed tweens sometimes not resetting properly
  • fixed selection boxes still visible when playing
  • fixed crash when doing loops
  • many smaller fixes
changelist V1360Beta
  • added Command Line options "?LoadMSB=<SceneName>" and "?InstantRun"
  • added Ragdoll Marionette
  • added support for WiiMote
  • fixed VR Camera and overall GameTrak implementation
  • fixed 'Next' and 'Prev' Button Bug for Poses and Voxel Parts
  • reorganised saving and loading to support importing and exporting
  • included a conversion tool for old saves
  • highly improved Text readability
  • added Maya-like Button distribution when mouse-right-clicking
  • LevelName now selectable with a list
  • added a warningmessage Window and a couple of warning messages if things go wrong
  • converted Audio Input from vvvv to C# and included direct audio recording
  • Camera Preview Window now bigger and always in lower right corner of the screen
  • lots of minor code changes to improve stability
  • VoxelEditor fixes:
    • rewrote ColorSelect and Mouth creation Buttons (and some more)
    • added ColorPalette functionality
    • restructured appearance and Button setup
    • added clickable VoxelShader support (no Magic words anymore)
    • added two VoxelShaders - Brush and Self (working Titles)
    • VoxelShaders now individual per-Bone and VoxelShaderProperties can be changed graphically
    • added scale/translation/rotation of individual Bone to VoxelEditor
    • fixed PoseEditor in VoxelEditor - now works as in SceneEditor
    • added UDP support for Bone Rotation (external Tool is in the works)
    • VoxelPawn in VoxelEditor will preview Lipsyncing on channel 1
  • implemented MiniMap in top-right corner of the SceneEditor - leftClick and drag to move
  • fixed Bug where contextMenu would spawn Actors at the location of the 2nd Mouseclick rather than the 1st
  • fixed 2DCharacter loading in 2DCharacter Editor
changelist V1350Beta
  • fixed the need to hit Del instead of Backspace in Textbuttons
  • implemented "SetAnimSet" functionality to swap animationsets (e.g. use UT anims for walking)
  • some Code refinements (implemented PropertyButtonComplex for lists within Properties)
  • implemented smooth Tweening/keyframing Code and moved from Velocity to Time Input
    • This makes the Tweening Nodes not recognize old Values anymore! Please update all Tweening nodes accordingly and re-save!
  • fixed a bug where RootNodes wouldn't attach to its Pawn
  • fixed some Interface Issues with Deleting
  • implemented Container Nodes for structuring more complex shots
  • completely rewrote helper applicatitons
    • moved from vvvv to C#
    • included a Tracer application for the Voxeleditor
    • included support for the Gametrak input device as camera interface
    • included simpler USB joystiq support
changelist V1340Beta
  • implemented access to all Unreal Characters, including custom community characters.
  • fixed Prop Actor saving content.
  • implemented Actor Keyframe Highlighting
  • fixed Actor Highlighting
  • fixed Voxelprops displaying saved names
  • fixed Voxelprops saving
  • fixed weird Node behavior when in standard Unreal Levels
  • implemented select/multi-select and multi-move/rotate for actors
  • implemented a layer between Interface and 3D world for better text readability
  • implemented custom context menu when right clicking on open space
  • fixed deleting Keyframes
  • fixed Node Linking Out-In
  • fixed hiding/showing nodes if a loop is present
  • some Interface changes
changelist V1335Beta
  • Fixed small interface adjustment Bugs
  • removed Head from 2DCharacterEditor
  • Changed some of the interface of the Voxeleditor
  • implemented MSBActor Wrapper for non MSB Classes
  • Fixed Tween interpolation code - now interpolates linear
  • Fixed ScriptRoot still being executed even thought Movie has been stopped
  • implemented "Fill" function in Voxeleditor
  • implemented better brush navigation in Voxeleditor
  • implemented a simple loading screen
  • fixed Pad Pose saving
  • fixed Keybinding triggering when typing
  • implemented simple Voxelshader support
  • implemented Decals
  • implemented shortcut "K" for spawning a Camera
  • implemented "possess" property to fly around with a camera
  • changed number of overlays rendered for DoF from 9 to 5 for better performance
  • fixed ScriptRoot execution bug
changelist V1331Beta
  • Fixed accidental Package referencing
changelist V1330Beta
  • Fixed VoxelEditor Loading Bug
  • Fixed Saving/Loading and Character referencing
  • implemented Saving hidden branches
  • Fixed Collisionsize on Pawns
  • Fixed blank Textinput field
  • Fixed SetPose Node feedback
  • Fixed simple Node selection feedback (Cameras, etc)
  • Fixed some "Accessed None"'s when scaling a character
  • implemented: now saves last known Camera position
  • Fixed cleanup after deleting Pawns and Actors
  • Fixed "bFirstStart" - now autosensing
  • Changed some coloring for Cameras and Keyframes
  • implemented "Voxelshaders"
  • implemented basic Decals
  • Fixed scaling gridsize when scaling BlockBrush
  • Fixed BlockBrush deletion now more forgiving
  • implemented interface changes
changelist V1325Beta
  • Fixed some Bugs in the savegame function, including the missing PoseActor in SetPose Node
  • Fixed Sequence Hiding Bug (Crash to Desktop)
  • Fixed Depth of Field setting sucking too much performance
  • Fixed Voxeleditor Cube so that 4 small Cubes are now 1 big Cube, position wise
  • Fixed Saving for Parts, Voxel- and 2D-Characters
  • Fixed Voxel Rotation to match Joint Rotation (no more "holes" between Voxels)
  • Fixed saving Actor and Pawn Scaling
  • Fixed PoseEditor being unable to set Head rotation
  • Fixed Camera Preview window going fullscreen when Camera is in lower right corner of the screen
  • Fixed CollisionHeight scaling with Scale Button
  • Fixed MovieSandboxMainMenuGame now no longer called MovieSandboxgame in UT Gametype select screen
  • Fixed Button scaling in Main Menu
  • Fixed Keyframes being visible when Scene is running
changelist V1320Beta
  • Fixed Package naming convention
  • included Actor Keyframing
  • included Voxel Scaling
  • reworked 2DCharacterEditor and 2D Face
  • moved Camera DOF Settings to Node
  • removed seperate Camera Tweening
  • Fixed Main Menu environment Name Button is behaving strangely.
  • Fixed 2DCharacterEditor Buttons behaving strangely
  • Fixed creating a node with pressing the Right Mouse button renders it unuseable (Right Mouse Button is not used till V1400, when Actor selecting is introduced)
  • Fixed RootNode tree-hiding
  • Fixed PawnRoots not getting renamed with the BtnName PropertyButton
  • included Buttonlist for SetPose Node
  • included paintable VoxelMouth
  • included scrolling buttons for Lists with more than 8 items
  • Fixed Voxel- and 2D-Character creation Buttons not displaying the character names
  • Fixed Using the right userini in MovieSandbox.bat
  • included pressing escape to exit TextButtons or deSelect
  • Fixed Bug in Button architecture that disabled Buttons
  • included Buttons for scaling the Voxelbrush
  • Fixed empty Save Arrays causing createNew Button to disappear
  • Fixed Listbutton creating new Listbutton when Buttonlist is empty
  • Fixed minor fixes to tooltips and Button Names
  • included a new, hopefully better readable font
  • Fixed 2D character saving bug
  • Fixed flying out of world/through solid geometry in fly mode
changelist V1310Alpha
  • Fixed Voxel rotation
  • Fixed lost attachents when restarting movie
  • Fixed ListButtons should collapsing when clicking on other Listbuttons
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes Buttons didn't work anymore
  • Fixed Screenresolution to be set to whatever you want - thanks to Florian Berger for help with the maths!
  • Fixed setting Properties to "None" by clicking in the open.
  • included first "paintable" Mouthpart (proof of concept) for VoxelEditor
  • implemented a simple "talking" texture for the standard unreal pawn and fix the sorting bug
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Moviesandbox for UT2004